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Why mishmash io?

  • Learn when and where to apply the mishmash io distributed database.

    See why we build it and why we believe you should be using it in your development project.

Applications have out-grown traditinal relational data models

Info alert:Relational data models are too stiff for modern apps

They are hard to evolve and harder to scale, demanding more and more effort as new features are released.

As a technology, databases began life about 50 years ago. Mainly as a way of organizing business data - inventory, sales, invoices, etc.

The relational data model has, and continues to serve well the need for companies to properly account their transactions. Frankly, the properties of a sale or an invoice have hardly changed since - making changes to relational schemas infrequent.

In the past, applications were built to support that data model, automating all operations around it. The data model was, in essence, the driving force behind app development.

That all changed with the Web and smart phones - today, the features of our apps drive the data models. As we build more and more apps, on an ever-shorter release cycles - whatever relational model we envison today is bound to be obsolete quickly.

And relational models, once populated with data are hard to evolve, and developing on top of them is even harder to scale. After all, they weren't designed for that.

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Columns, rows and tables

Applications today need deep computing powers

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Putting ML and AI models in production is too complex

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To make the development of smart, data-driven applications simple and accessible to all software developers. To provide excellent performance without demanding a toll.

Today, more than ever, we strongly believe that a modern database must:

  • Support all data structures - tables, graphs, text, key-value pairs AND everything else
  • Compute automatically at scale and in parallel, without imposing its own programming model, framework or API
  • Be as flexible as the application development itself - use the same if() and for() loops as any programming language
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